BFI NETWORK Short Film Fund

Funding for production costs on shorts of up to fifteen minutes, applications open for 2025

Funding available

Up to £25,000 for production costs

Supporting shorts up to 15mins

Dates and deadlines

Applications are open from Tuesday 11 February 2025 to Tuesday 25 March 2025.

BFI NETWORK England short film funding supports filmmaking teams based in the North who are working on fiction shorts in live action, animation and immersive/virtual reality. 

This fund supports the production costs of standalone fiction shorts that showcase new perspectives from Northern filmmaking teams. The fund is intended to stimulate original idea and stories, so it doesn’t support adaptations of existing material. We welcome applications for amounts from £5,000 up to a maximum of £25,000. Projects can be of any length, up to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Our funding is supplemented by creative oversight from our BFI NETWORK Talent Executives. As well as working with filmmakers prior to and during production, our team can advise supported projects on: 
  • Finding screening opportunities regionally and further afield
  • Ways to meet potential collaborators for your project
  • Festival strategies for your project
  • Other ways to gain industry exposure for your work.

Applications are open from Tuesday 11 February 2025 to Tuesday 25 March 2025 (11:00 am).

How to apply

Please read the funding guidelines before applying to ensure your project is a good fit for the fund and is in the best position to succeed.

Read the funding guidelines

You can also listen to the BFI NETWORK: England Short Film Fund Audio Guidelines on SoundCloud.

After reading the guidelines, you'll be prompted to submit your application via the BFI’s grant request form. You will need to create an account to make your application online. You can save your application and return to it later. Make sure you complete all the required sections as incomplete forms will automatically be deemed ineligible.


We’re holding a series of free events to help Northern filmmakers with their Short Film Fund applications. Sign up to our online roundtables to learn more about the guidelines, or head along to one of our mixers to meet potential collaborators.

BFI NETWORK Short Film Fund: Everything you wanted to know

Tuesday 25 February, 18:00 (doors open 17:30), Liverpool - *event ended*

We’re heading to FACT in Liverpool with Let's Make Films for a session all about the fund. 
If you’re wondering whether the fund is suitable for you or your film or if you’re unsure as to how to put in a good application, this is the talk for you. Our Talent Executive Benjamin Taylor will explain what the fund is, how it works and give a peek behind the curtain on how decisions are made, what we look for in projects and how you can stand out from other applications.

Online Access One-to-Ones

Tuesday 18 February, 9:15-4:15, with Jen Bradfield - *fully booked*
Thursday 20 February, 9:15-4:15, with Jen Bradfield - *fully booked*
Thursday 6 March, 12:00-15:00, with Ben Taylor - *fully booked*
Friday 7 March, 9:00-12:00, with Ben Taylor - *fully booked*
Tuesday 11 March, 9:00-15:00, with Jen Bradfield  - *fully booked*

We’re offering access one-to-ones for writers, directors and producers based in the North who are looking to apply to BFI NETWORK's Short Film Fund. These one-to-ones are specifically for people who have questions pertaining to access, including extra funding available and support with the application process. 

As part of the sign-up process you'll be asked if you need an access rider for the meeting: if you select yes we'll send you an access rider document for the meeting for you to complete, or you can send us your own version if you have one. If you have any requirements that need prior arrangement such as BSL interpretation please book and complete the rider at least 5 days before your chosen date and time.

Online Roundtables

Wednesday 19 February, 12:00-13:00 - *event ended*
Wednesday 19 March, 12:00-13:00 - sign up 

We’re hosting two online roundtables to help Northern filmmakers find out more about the fund and application process.

The roundtables will be hosted by our BFI NETWORK Talent Executives and will involve up to 30 filmmakers. If you're new to our work, they're a great place to get to know us and how we can help you develop as a filmmaker. And you'll have the chance to meet other filmmakers working across the North.


Friday 7 March, 18:00-20:00, The Tetley (South Bank Event Space) Leeds with Doc Society - sign up
Thursday 13 March, 18:00-20:00, Tyneside Cinema Newcastle - sign up
Wednesday 19 March, 18:30-20:30, Picturehouse Cinema at FACT Liverpool with Let's Make Films - sign up
Saturday 22 March, 14:00-15:00, Speed Meets at Manchester Film Festival - sign up

BFI NETWORK Filmmaker Mixers are informal meet-ups for filmmakers based in the North of England. 

Mixers bring together local creatives and provide opportunities for growing your network, finding collaborators and connecting with the filmmaking community. There's no set agenda for these events though our BFI NETWORK Talent Executives will be on hand for any questions about the fund and its application process.

Visit our mixer page for more event info and sign-up links.

Further support

If you have any queries about the fund, take a look at the BFI NETWORK FAQs or contact out team at
If you have access requirements that mean you need assistance when applying for funds, you can request help through the BFI Access Support Scheme. 

If you’re a filmmaker working outside of England, visit the BFI NETWORK funding finder to learn about funding opportunities in your area. 
If you're a filmmaker working in documentary, check out the supported offered by our friends at BFI Doc Society.

Image (c) Courtney Sherives
