Member Online Meet-Up: An African Archive Research Trip

Join us 13 June 14:00 - 15:00 to hear film programmer Mosa Mpetha talk about her African Archive Research Trip

Starts at 13 Jun 2024 14:00

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Ticket Price Free

Member Online Meet-Up: An African Archive Research Trip

Join us for our next online meet-up, where film programmer Mosa Mpetha will be talking about her African Archive Research Trip.

 Based in Leeds, and from Liverpool & South Africa, Mosa is a film programmer of Black, African and Archive films in a freelance capacity and in a permanent role as Creative Engagement Officer at her local heritage cinema, Hyde Park Picture House (est 1914). At Hyde Park Picture House, amongst other things, Mosa curates a new permanent strand of African films called ‘Cinema Africa!’ for African and Non-African audiences, addressing the unreasonable lack of African films being shown on the big screen in the UK.
Prior to working at the Hyde Park Picture House, Mosa co-founded Black Cinema Project, an evolving space to bring Black people together with care, to meaningfully watch and discuss Black films and the landscape they are situated within. 
 Mosa also works locally in Leeds for Scalarama Film Festival, and she founded the Leeds Film Network which supports individuals and community groups to programme their own screenings in DIY spaces. Mosa is particularly passionate about archive film and has recently published a personal journal from a research trip on African Film Archives in South Africa, Burkina Faso, France and the UK.

About the presentation:


An African Archive Research Trip will involve reflections on responsibilities, ownership and access, followed by suggestions to UK institutions on how to better support programmers of African archive film.
If you have any access needs in order to attend the session, please get in touch with us at