Funding Opportunities for Environmental Initiatives

Type Document

Categories Resource, Film Exhibition

Resource Title Funding Opportunities for Screen Organisations


Author Eleanor Atkinson

Source Julie's Bicycle

Date August 2024

This resource provides a listing of funding sources for environmental initiatives that exhibition and screen heritage sector organisations across the UK may be eligible to apply for.

It covers both funding for specific initiatives such as energy efficiency or electric vehicles, and broader funding — for example community projects and cultural facilities improvement — where there are opportunities to bring in environmental initiatives.

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The information has been organised by geographical area (UK-wide, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, England-wide and five English regions), and focuses primarily on public funding sources (e.g. councils, devolved nations, and UK-wide funding).

It has been developed with smaller organisations in mind, and as a result focuses mainly on grant funding, and/or funding which isn't too burdensome to apply for. Most do not require match funding, though there are some exceptions.

The information is up-to-date as of August 2024. Funding opportunities, however, are subject to change, and we recommend checking details on live web pages before preparing any application. In the spreadsheet, you will find instructions on how to submit new funding opportunities if you find them, and/or to let us know if listed opportunities are no longer available. The resource will be updated periodically.

This research was completed by Eleanor Atkinson, Masters in Television and Film (Research and Production) student at the University of Birmingham, through an internship with Film Hub North and the BFI.

in Resources Category: Film Exhibition